Sunday, June 26, 2005

MailNow - Product


MailNow! for Windows is the ideal solution for companies looking to enhance their business email communications. It is a full-featured email server that that will greatly enhance your business email experience.

MailNow! is easy to set up and manage without sacrificing on effective controls and flexibility. From 5 users to thousands of users, MailNow! has served both Small And Medium Businesses as well as major corporates like banks and ministries.


Email Services
Connect your entire organization with an efficient email communications. Whether it is INTERNAL or EXTERNAL email services, MailNow is able to accommodate your requirements. Enhanced your company’s image by having a domain name attached to your email like

You can even manage multiple domains at a single site. Perfect for organizations having multiple group of companies. Eliminates the need to invest in a mail server for every companies.

Super Fast
Experienced those slow moving progress bar whenever you download your emails? Isn’t it frustrating waiting for those emails with large attachments? With MailNow, no more slow moving progress bar. Download your emails as fast as your 100 Mbps network can support.

Save money in more ways than one
Works with any Internet connectivity mediums like xDSL Broadband, Wireless Broadband, Leased-line, ISDN or PSTN (56K dial-up). With just one single Internet account and you can set up a full corporate email solutions with MailNow! (i.e by using UUCP)

Easy Administration & Management
· Add or created email accounts anytime without having to make arrangement with Internet Service Provider.

· Auto-dial and auto-disconnect for companies using dial-up account to minimized cost and save money.

· Built-in Remote Support capabilities to facilitate convenient trouble-shooting and easy administrations. MailNow Console can access and manage MailNow Server from any PCs in the network and even across the Internet.

MailNow! Ver 3.5 and above comes with UpdateNow! engine. You no longer have to do manual installation of updates or patches. MailNow! can be scheduled to check for available updates.

You can decide whether to have MailNow! auto download and perform self-update, or you can choose to update later at a click of a button. If you are not satisfied with the latest updates, you can roll-back to the previous version.

MailBox Facilities
· Auto-Reply supports enable pre-defined messages to be composed. This allows unattended e-mail reply, specifically useful when Users go for long vacation or even create mailbox like or to improve customer service.

· Auto-Forwarding enables emails to be forwarded to any other email addresses, whether internal or external, webmail or even personal POP3 email accounts.

· Distribution List can be created to facilitate flow of information e.g. sending to one address like will enable information be distributed to the whole organization.

· Priority feature enable urgent mail to be sent immediately through SMTP.

· Quota Management control of each mailbox’s sizes. This is useful to make sure that the e-mail system is not abused by sending unnecessary giant-sized mails. Implementing quota will help users to use the Internet resource wisely.

Users Groupings
Flexible management of policies and rules can be tailored for each individual users or by grouping of users. This enables better security and monitoring policies to be implemented effectively.

Protocols Supported
MailNow! supports all industrial standards protocols. This ensures that no incompatibility to any Internet Service Provider. Protocols supported includes:-
§ SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
§ POP (Post Office Protocol)
§ ESMTP (Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
§ ETRN (Extended Turn of ESMTP)
§ Virtual POP
§ UUCP (Unix to Unix Copy Protocol)

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
LDAP is the Internet standard for Directory Access. This will facilitate Intranet messaging as all users can assess the centralized address book of all users Full Name and Email Name without having to download it into your personal address book. All e-mail detail changes done at MailNow! is reflected immediately at the Email Client program like MS Outlook.

IMAP4 (Internet Message Access Protocol)
IMAP4 is a server-based messaging protocol. Unlike POP3, messages fetched are not stored in the local hard disk of the users. IMAP4 allows you to store e-mail messages in the server and be accessed from any networked computers.

Use any web browser and you can access your email without having to configure email clients like Microsoft Outlook Express/Outlook or Netscape Messenger. Similar to the IMAP support, using Web-Mail also means that you only need to backup the server instead of individual pc’s inbox. This is very important for organizations that use e-mail (attachments) to send or receive important data

MX SMTP Relaying
This allows organizations that are connected to the Internet 24 hours a day using Broadband connections or Leased-line to host email at their own site. Mails from MailNow! will no longer be sent out via a third party SMTP server which imposes limits on the size of mails being sent. With the MX features, your mails will be sent DIRECTLY to the recipients mail server and this improves the network efficiency and allows much bigger sizes of mails to be sent out. Using MX also means that MailNow will maximize the use of your powerful connections

UUCP Integration
UUCP Email Gateway allows integration with other Email Server like MS-Exchange, Lotus Domino and Novell GroupWise to enable Internet email from ISPs using the UUCP for email services.


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