Sunday, June 26, 2005

Norman Personal Firewall - Product

Norman Personal Firewall keeps unauthorized users out of your system.

Personal computers and computers in an organization have information which is valuable for the user. However, that information may also be valuable for others who should not have access to it.

Every day the media publish articles about people and organizations that have been attacked by “crackers” trying to gain information from networks or single workstations.

Even if computer does not have valuable information, it may be compromised and used maliciously. It may be used as a tool to attack other computers. Early in 2000 crackers used a lot of computers belonging to unknowing owners, to shut down several major web sites by using a technique called Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS) attacks.

To prevent this from happening you need to be able to keep unauthorized people out of your systems.

Almost all organizations are using Firewalls to stop these problems. However, such systems are usually too expensive for small organizations and home users.

Norman's product - The Norman Personal Firewall - is designed to be used by home users and organizations that want to protect their PCs from being compromised by attacks from the Internet or the local network.

System requirements

Any Pentium class PC running Windows 95/98/Me or Windows NT/2000.

VPNNow - Product


When we think about Private Network, we usually think about the Local Area Network (LAN). Generally speaking, a LAN is a group of computers link together physically within a single location via network cables. Having a LAN allows us to efficiently, privately and securely share information and resources between computers that are linked together.

We can share files, share printer, access customers database, emailing and many more. But the moment we leave the office with our notebook or are at home, all the resources we usually to share easily either became unavailable or too insecure to be access over the Internet. This is where VPNNow! becomes very useful. It allows access to the LAN remotely (at home or oversea location) privately, securely and affordably.

VPNNow! essentially enables you to have a private data network that uses existing telecommunications infrastructures (regular phone lines, T1 lines, DSL, cable lines, and so on). Privacy is achieved through the use of a tunneling protocol and security procedures. VPNNow! enables company offices or individuals in different locations to securely access a central network without having to dial directly in to the company network.


VPNNow! is ideal for:

· Companies who need secure inter-office networking.

· Home users who wish to set up a secure peer-to-peer connection
between remote PCs.

· Home or Mobile workers, who require a secure environment to connect to the office from remote locations.

· Administrator who wants to manage servers across different locations.

Benefits of VPNNow!

1. Convenience of accessing company network without physical connections.

2. Cost Savings especially for inter-office connections because access via the Internet infrastructure is much more cost-effective compare to having a physical leased-line link to different sites.

3. VPN use cryptographic technology to provide data confidentiality and integrity for the data in transit. This improves security as at least 128bit encryption is use for secure data transfer.

4. Capability to access Windows Terminal Services behind the firewall within the network.

What can you do with VPNNow!

1. Connect different offices or branches with the Headquarter via affordable Internet connections (dial-up, ISDN, Broadband, leased-line etc)
- Files or folders sharing between computers on different sites.
- Access customers database.
- Access Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications.
- Access customized organizational programs.

2. Connect to Windows Terminal Services.
Server for Windows Terminal Services can be securely access within the network with multiple connections.

3. Connect your notebook or PC with any dial-up to your office and increase productivity and efficiency.
- Access your corporate email even from home without having to open
email server to be seen by the Internet public.
- Print quotation using your office printer while out of office

The Technology

· IPSEC architecture with support for the latest high level data encryption Advance Encryption Standard (AES). The current version supports AES 192 bit.

· Max 500 concurrent VPN connections

· Support connections for Gateway to Gateway or Road Warrior to Gateway

· Uses RSA 1024 PKI for setting up Key Exchanges

· Resource list is definable to restrict total access by VPN clients

· Supports Windows NT4, 2000, XP & 2003

VPNNow! uses the basic IPSEC for securing the VPN tunnels. IPSEC is industry best practice for protecting your corporate VPN today.

However, the disadvantage of IPSEC is that there are too many options and flexibility. This results in code bloat that is detrimental for normal functional standard. For example, some VPN solutions have various supports for different encryption standard when only one strong encryption is required and various layers of encryption support over a single packet whereby each layer will induce significant payload overhead resulting in slower traffic output.
Having a published port number that is fixed for IKE in IPSEC also produce a security weakness in giving hackers the foreknowledge of the port and the ability to launch a possible DOS attack.

VPNNow! avoids all these complexity by concentrating on the core principles used in IPSEC that made it a secure implementation. By using ESP with built in authentication, 192-bit AES encryption as standard and a different port with custom IKE, VPNNow! is not only secure but faster in performance.

VPNNow! is 100% software that runs on Win NT, Win 2000, Win XP and Win 2003 based platform. With the availability of better hardware standard for personal computers, software based solutions works better and faster with your investment in time.


VPNNow! When integrate together with ProxyNow! and FirewallNow! provide organizations with a convenient, productive, cost-effective and secure Internet infrastructure.

ScanNow - Product


ScanNow! is a powerful antivirus plug-in for ProxyNow! With the Internet being the primary medium used to spread viruses, securing the Internet gateway is one of the most crucial steps in virus preventions.


Award-Winning Antivirus Engine
Earn the prestigious Virus Bulletin 100% Award for a total of 22 times. This award is to recognize those products best able to detect viruses known to be 'in the wild'. Unlike some other similar sounding schemes, Virus Bulletin uses the most up-to-date WildList in its tests.

High Detection Rate
As of 1st May 2004, ScanNow! detects more than 65,000 virus strains. Daily auto-update makes ScanNow! a zero administrative solutions. Spend your time doing more
important things and let ScanNow take care of your virus concerns.

Real-Time Virus Protection
ScanNow! provides real-time detection and cleanup of viruses at the gateway
for HTTP, FTP, SMTP and POP Internet traffic.

Files Transfer
ScanNow! scans all HTTP and FTP Internet traffics. No more worries about users downloading virus from the Internet. Prevent downloading of virus infected files from some unknown or malicious sites. No more worries of users retrieving virus infected email attachments from webmails. Ensures files uploaded to web servers are virus free.

Email Hosting
If you are having your emails hosted on an external mail server by any third-party hosting services, ScanNow! can scans all in-coming and out-going email traffics via ProxyNow!

ProtectNow - Product


ProtectNow! is a powerful antivirus plug-in for MailNow! With email being the primary medium used to spread viruses, securing the mail server against the threats of viruses is a necessity.

ProtectNow! employs cutting-edge technology in securing emails from the infiltrations of viruses at the mail gateway before they reach the users. Viruses are stopped immediatedly, including the new and latest.


Award-Winning Antivirus Engine
Earned the prestigious Virus Bulletin 100% Award for a total of 22 times. This award is to recognize those products best able to detect viruses known to be 'in the wild'. Unlike some other similar sounding schemes, Virus Bulletin uses the most up-to-date WildList in its tests.

High Detection Rate
As of 1st May 2004, ProtectNow! detects more than 65,000 virus strains. Scanner Engine supports scanning logic, CPU emulator, and heuristic pattern recognition for maximum virus detection. Whether the virus come as an attachment to emails or running from a HTML file embedded in an email or JAVA scripts, ProtectNow! will stripped them all.

Attachment Filtering
Knowing that over 98% of all viruses currently spread as an email attachment, ProtectNow! enables an intelligent Attachment Filter to remove even totally new viruses from penetrating your network. Examples of popular virus attachment came in the following extensions: .exe .com .bat .vbs .scr .pif .html and .zip

Intelligent Reversed Scanning
Virus writers are constantly devising new ways to trick users into opening and running viruses in the attachment. The latest trick involves inserting virus executable in a zipped file. Since zipped files are being used extensively to send work related documents, most companies do not filtered out zipped files. This has enabled certain viruses to gain an advantage in its survival.

ProtectNow! Intelligent Reversed Scanning are able to determine if the files zipped inside are among those virus carrying attachments like .exe and .pif. This great enhancement will ensure zipped-up virus-prone attachments are filtered but documents zipped up are allowed to pass through.

MailNow - Product


MailNow! for Windows is the ideal solution for companies looking to enhance their business email communications. It is a full-featured email server that that will greatly enhance your business email experience.

MailNow! is easy to set up and manage without sacrificing on effective controls and flexibility. From 5 users to thousands of users, MailNow! has served both Small And Medium Businesses as well as major corporates like banks and ministries.


Email Services
Connect your entire organization with an efficient email communications. Whether it is INTERNAL or EXTERNAL email services, MailNow is able to accommodate your requirements. Enhanced your company’s image by having a domain name attached to your email like

You can even manage multiple domains at a single site. Perfect for organizations having multiple group of companies. Eliminates the need to invest in a mail server for every companies.

Super Fast
Experienced those slow moving progress bar whenever you download your emails? Isn’t it frustrating waiting for those emails with large attachments? With MailNow, no more slow moving progress bar. Download your emails as fast as your 100 Mbps network can support.

Save money in more ways than one
Works with any Internet connectivity mediums like xDSL Broadband, Wireless Broadband, Leased-line, ISDN or PSTN (56K dial-up). With just one single Internet account and you can set up a full corporate email solutions with MailNow! (i.e by using UUCP)

Easy Administration & Management
· Add or created email accounts anytime without having to make arrangement with Internet Service Provider.

· Auto-dial and auto-disconnect for companies using dial-up account to minimized cost and save money.

· Built-in Remote Support capabilities to facilitate convenient trouble-shooting and easy administrations. MailNow Console can access and manage MailNow Server from any PCs in the network and even across the Internet.

MailNow! Ver 3.5 and above comes with UpdateNow! engine. You no longer have to do manual installation of updates or patches. MailNow! can be scheduled to check for available updates.

You can decide whether to have MailNow! auto download and perform self-update, or you can choose to update later at a click of a button. If you are not satisfied with the latest updates, you can roll-back to the previous version.

MailBox Facilities
· Auto-Reply supports enable pre-defined messages to be composed. This allows unattended e-mail reply, specifically useful when Users go for long vacation or even create mailbox like or to improve customer service.

· Auto-Forwarding enables emails to be forwarded to any other email addresses, whether internal or external, webmail or even personal POP3 email accounts.

· Distribution List can be created to facilitate flow of information e.g. sending to one address like will enable information be distributed to the whole organization.

· Priority feature enable urgent mail to be sent immediately through SMTP.

· Quota Management control of each mailbox’s sizes. This is useful to make sure that the e-mail system is not abused by sending unnecessary giant-sized mails. Implementing quota will help users to use the Internet resource wisely.

Users Groupings
Flexible management of policies and rules can be tailored for each individual users or by grouping of users. This enables better security and monitoring policies to be implemented effectively.

Protocols Supported
MailNow! supports all industrial standards protocols. This ensures that no incompatibility to any Internet Service Provider. Protocols supported includes:-
§ SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
§ POP (Post Office Protocol)
§ ESMTP (Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
§ ETRN (Extended Turn of ESMTP)
§ Virtual POP
§ UUCP (Unix to Unix Copy Protocol)

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
LDAP is the Internet standard for Directory Access. This will facilitate Intranet messaging as all users can assess the centralized address book of all users Full Name and Email Name without having to download it into your personal address book. All e-mail detail changes done at MailNow! is reflected immediately at the Email Client program like MS Outlook.

IMAP4 (Internet Message Access Protocol)
IMAP4 is a server-based messaging protocol. Unlike POP3, messages fetched are not stored in the local hard disk of the users. IMAP4 allows you to store e-mail messages in the server and be accessed from any networked computers.

Use any web browser and you can access your email without having to configure email clients like Microsoft Outlook Express/Outlook or Netscape Messenger. Similar to the IMAP support, using Web-Mail also means that you only need to backup the server instead of individual pc’s inbox. This is very important for organizations that use e-mail (attachments) to send or receive important data

MX SMTP Relaying
This allows organizations that are connected to the Internet 24 hours a day using Broadband connections or Leased-line to host email at their own site. Mails from MailNow! will no longer be sent out via a third party SMTP server which imposes limits on the size of mails being sent. With the MX features, your mails will be sent DIRECTLY to the recipients mail server and this improves the network efficiency and allows much bigger sizes of mails to be sent out. Using MX also means that MailNow will maximize the use of your powerful connections

UUCP Integration
UUCP Email Gateway allows integration with other Email Server like MS-Exchange, Lotus Domino and Novell GroupWise to enable Internet email from ISPs using the UUCP for email services.

ProxyNow - Product


ProxyNow! for Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, 2003 and XP is the ideal solution for companies looking for a cost-effective and efficient way to connect their organization to the Internet. Unlike other products in the market, ProxyNow! is user-friendly and most easy to setup. ProxyNow brings you Internet connectivity and total access control to ensure productive usage of Internet infrastructure.

ProxyNow! provide Internet access and management for the whole office using only one Internet account either dial-up PSTN or ISDN, xDSL or leased line. Promote productive usage of Internet access by implementing policies and rules to Internet usage.


Sharing of Internet Access
Connects the whole organization to the Internet via one account or one Internet line.
Ensured you are not tied down by any single Internet connection. When one line is down, the whole office Internet access can be resumed by another Internet connection. This will ensure minimum downtime and remove dependency on a single ISP connection. Your business communications do not need to be interrupted by some unreliable ISPs.
(Supports: PSTN, ISDN, xDSL, leased line and virtual leased line)

Network Address Translation (NAT)
NAT advanced functions allows transparent Internet connection sharing. The most important advantage of NAT is convenience. NAT makes setup very easy because it does not require manual configuration of the settings in Internet applications (such as browsers, email clients, etc.). Using NAT on any PCs will give the PCs a seemingly direct connection without the power of control.

Transparent Proxy
Transparent Proxy adds a level of security and control by providing the flexibility and security of ProxyNow! powerful access control and the convenience of NAT.

NT User Database Integration and Authentication
ProxyNow! utilizes the accounts that are already established within Windows NT, Windows 2000, 2003 or XP. This seamless integration with the NT User Database allows the administrator to avoid duplication of efforts by recreating accounts that already exist on the network. Users on each workstation are able to login to ProxyNow! simultaneously with their standard network login, avoiding multiple login prompts

Smart Caching
Speed up page loading by caching frequently visited HTML pages in the server for fast retrieval. This will cut down unnecessary bandwidth wastage.
FTP & HTTP caching allows recently downloaded files to be accessed by others without retrieving it again through the Internet.
FTP Resume allows files download from FTP server that supports resuming to be continued from where it has been disconnected. No need to restart the whole download again.

Users Authentication Login
Allows individual access to the Internet be controlled by User Name and Password where rules and profiles can be individually configured and enforced.
Internet access and control can also be enforces on certain PCs via internal IP addresses.
Allow mixture of User Authentication Login via both [username/password] and IP addresses.

Protocols Control
Allows management of Users privileges on protocols such as HTTP, FTP, Telnet, SOCKS, News, Mail, Mapped Ports and Real Audio. These will effectively control activities such as downloading of movies and music, chatting of instant messengers and etc.

Time Based Quota Control
Selective surfing period to restrict specific user(s) Internet access by hours and days.
Group A – Can only surf Internet from 9am to 5pm (Business users)
Group B – Can only surf Internet during lunch time 12noon to 2pm (non-business users)
Group C – Can surf 24 hours from Monday to Saturday (Heavy business users, Marketing)
Group D – Can surf 24 hours everyday (The boss)

Downloads Controls
Downloads can be controlled to prevent congestions of bandwidth.
File extensions – stop downloads of files like .mp3 .avi .wmv .mpeg and etc
Total Megabytes – Assign specific size for daily usage e.g: 5MB a day
Protocol – Restrict any protocols like SOCKS 5 from any users. Stop peer-to- peer file sharing programs like Kazaa and Morpheus.

URL / Website / Pornographic Filtering
Comes with a default list that blocks more than 10,000 pornographic sites. You can also add more sites as the need arises. Wildcards can be used to block URL addresses with parts of the name or full domain name. It also allows the blocking of files download by filtering type of extensions, e.g: .*\.mp3 Ensures no decrease in productivity caused by Users frequent access to “questionable” materials like pornographic or political sites by implementing site blacklisting and Content Filtering.

Content Filtering
More powerful than URL/Website filtering. Filter according to keywords. Web pages will be scanned for offensive or filtered words before being view by the users. Powerful filtering of pornographic contents in any website.

On Demand Dialer
For businesses still using PSTN dial-up (56K modem connection) or ISDN dial-up where the cost of connection is based on time usage, ProxyNow will auto dial to establish connection whenever authenticated users tries to access the Internet. It will also auto disconnect when there is no Internet access activities. This will help the company to save much cost.

Total logging and recording can be performed on all Internet activities for all Users, all the time. Log files can be used to generate detail reports by using ReportNow! With ReportNow you can know all that is happening on every users Internet usage.

Fully supported by our award-winning FirewallNow! to provide a reliable Internet security functions. Prevent hackers from accessing your network and stops malicious Trojans from stealing information from your server.

Support retrieving and sending of emails to external email hosting services using the POP and SMTP protocols. For more effective and super fast email solutions, ProxyNow can integrate seamlessly with MailNow!, a full-featured corporate email server.

For an effective and most affordable Internet gateway antivirus solutions, install together with ScanNow! (optional) to filter viruses at the point of entry.


Remote Administration – Configure and manage ProxyNow! without being physically at the server. ProxyNow console can access and manage ProxyNow server from any PCs in the network and even across the Internet.

Group Manager – Set rules and profiles according to groups for greater flexibility.

Real-time Transactions – View activities as it happens and any given moment.

ReportNow - Product


ReportNow! for Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP and 2003 is the ideal solution for companies looking to better understand and manage their Internet usage and abuse. Unlike the other products in the market, ReportNow! is user-friendly and most easy to setup. ReportNow! brings you Internet reporting that is comprehensive, clear and precise.

Identify who are surfing and where are they browsing to, on any day and at any time. Investigate if any of the employees are visiting unproductive web sites. ReportNow! provides you accurate information on your company Internet usage activities, productive or unproductive activities.


Flexible Reporting and Queries
· Top Web Site Visited – Which sites does your users visit most.
· Top Surfers – Who among the users spent most time surfing the Internet.
· Top Files Downloaded – What files were frequently downloaded,
e.g: .exe .avi .mp3 .wmv .mpeg
· Top Bandwidth Users.
· Details Report on particular user:-
When and where he went to any time and any day.
What files he downloaded and when.
When he log-in and log-out.
Total time spent on the Internet by day, week or month.
Minute by minute reporting.
· And many more…

MailNow! and ProtectNow! support
· Where were emails sent to.
· From where were email received.
· Size of emails sent and received.
· When was a particular email sent or received.
· Top Internal Recipients and Senders.
· Top External Recipients and Senders.
· Attachments name, type and size.
· Report viruses that were filtered by ProtectNow! including:-
Virus name
Virus Senders
Virus Recipients
IP address where the viruses came from.

Costing Reports
Support Internet traffic costing. Now you can know which department utilized most of the Internet resources. Perfect for internal billing purposes.

Special Reports
Supports report template plug-ins. Specially customized reports can be requested and added to the application without reinstallation.

Multiple Format Support
All the reports generated can exported to popular files formats such as RTF (for Microsoft Word), Microsoft Excel, HTML, text etc

Display data in chart format for quick analysis. Chart types include bar, horizontal, pie and point chart. Each of them can be exported into Bitmap (BMP) and Enhanced Metafile Format (EMF) – a format for Microsoft Office.

FirewallNow - Product


FirewallNow! Small Business Edition for Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 2003 is the perfect solution for companies looking to protect and secure their servers from the threats of malicious hackers and intruders from the Internet. A must have for any server that has Internet access. For companies already have hardware firewalls, FirewallNow! provides additional anti-Trojan protection. An indispensable tool for any servers where data security is important.

With FirewallNow! intruders will be stopped dead in their tracks. Trojans, zombies and viruses can hijack your server and turn it into a launching platform for distribution of any data. A corporate firewall cannot differentiate between the valid applications in the server and the malicious ones. By utilizing legal ports, malicious Trojans/zombies/viruses/worms gets a free ride on your server. FirewallNow! brings an end to these nuisance codes by identifying valid applications in the servers and monitoring in multiple layers.

FirewallNow! only protects your server and that is where protection matter most.


Intrusion Detection & Prevention
Intrusion detection from both application and the network/Internet is detected by FirewallNow! using high speed conditional algorithm.

Intrusions are logged with FirewallNow! powerful logging engine (X6-Log), logs can range from a direct application/packet header log to every single byte of data from each packet!

Packets and application connections that violates the FirewallNow! rules are logged as intrusions. With the brilliant rule creation feature of FirewallNow! (One-Rule-All), complex and unique rules that frequently require multiple rules might just require one rule in FirewallNow!

Unlike others IDS products that only detects, FirewallNow! does more than that. It actually stops the intruder from coming in.

Anti-Port Scanning
Using a powerful and sensitive algorithm, FirewallNow! detects and reports port scanning activities on your server, both from the Intranet and Internet. The algorithm is also used to provide a summarized information of the port scanning activities.

Event Reporting via Email
FirewallNow! supports email notification whenever an intrusion is reported. Smart interval reporting will not clogged up your email account. With this notification administrators can monitor, maintain and fine-tune the organizations security policy in an easy manner.

Layered Protection
FirewallNow! prevents security breaches using a unique two layers protection system.

The application level protection via TDI monitor each application in the server and flags a security warning the moment any of the application issues an undefined connection.

The second protection using NDIS works on the packet level and FirewallNow! destroys any abnormal packet. Incoming packets are matched against rules and any violations of the rules are then flagged as an intrusion.

* Technical description:
TDI (Transport Driver Interface)
NDIS (Network Driver Interface Specification)

Trojans imprisonment

FirewallNow! Application level (TDI) protection brings the threats of possible Internet Trojans running on your server to zero. Using various proven techniques to counter Internet Trojans, FirewallNow! creates an environment that inhibit the possibility of these Trojans from functioning in your server.

Rules confinement per application: Applications can be compared against rules and Internet Trojans will cease to function online. No rules mean no access. No application can have Internet access without you giving it the permission and in a defined behavior.

To date hijacking are the techniques that enable Internet Trojans and ‘Zombie’ programs the abilities to hijack server or your Internet Explorer to perform its required connections. While these technique would cause most if not all hardware firewalls and even personal firewalls to fail, FirewallNow! “spy-check” will detect these loopholes and deny the connection.

Smart CRC
FirewallNow! performs CRC check on your applications. Smart Trojans that replaces your application will result in a CRC alert. Each application will have its “fingerprint” checked out and any suspicious checksum will be reported.

Full Path Support
Any application attempting to make a connection to the Internet must be executed from it’s registered path.